Thursday, April 19, 2012

Unisex Names.

Here is my problem with unisex names such as Jamie, Skylar, Alex, Devon, Jordan, and Taylor (just to name a few)... Let's say that female Jamie has been searching for love her whole life and doesn't find it until she meets male Jamie. This presents a massive problem in my opinion...a "name conflict", if you will. Just imagine how many annoying situations you would get into where you don't know if someone is talking to you, or your boyfriend...then imagine if these two got married and now have the same last name.

*phone rings*
Jamie: Hello?
telemarketer: Hi, is Jamie there?
Jamie: Which Jamie?
telemarketer: Um Jamie Douscheberry?
Jamie: Which Jamie Douscheberry? get the idea

Other menial daily tasks that would also become annoying would be: sorting the mail, facebooking (especially if they are both in each other's profile most couples)..although that's more-so annoying for their friends, figuring out which credit card belongs to who, writing appointments on their calendar.
Also, when either of them talks out loud, or gets in a fight with the other, it would be unclear who they are talking to. For example: "Jamie, you are such a scrotum lozenge!" Was she yelling at herself out loud, or was she yelling at Jamie? My final issue is when they are both in bed and things start to get a bit sex-ual. It could not only be confusing, but also a bit egotistical when you start moaning your own name. These issues just scratch the surface so please don't give your kid a unisex name, I guess...I'm not really sure what my point was here..

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