Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Trouble with Hippies

is that they think they are musically inclined if they can play the tambourine. Yes, I am making a huge generalization and using the term 'hippie' freely, but that's besides the point. The point is that absolutely anyone can play the tambourine. It's like an adult version of a baby rattle. All you have to do is shake it around a little bit and then occasionally bang it on your hip. Now the hip bang is optional, and can only be preformed after butt loads of practice. I can't tell you how many great musicians have had to have hip replacement surgery due to an improper hip bang maneuver. If you weren't given a rattle as a baby, then you are at quite a disadvantage to seasoned tambourinists. However, do not fret because it is never to late to start learning. Just carry a baby rattle around everywhere you go and the progression to tambourine will be quite natural. Before you know it you will be on stage with a band shaking the shit out of that tambourine. (side note: The band probably doesn't want you there.)

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