Sunday, November 14, 2010

I don't know about you,

but I love nothing more than making a person laugh or smile. I am sincerely in pain when I see that someone else is hurting or not having a good time. Therefore, I am always coming up with new ways to reach out to people and ensure that they have a good day.

Just yesterday, I purchased some new lights for my car. One is a flashing blue light, and the other is a flashing red light. I occasionally turn them on at night and try to pull people over...more specifically, I try and catch drunk drivers. If I am successful in doing so, then the driver becomes extremely relieved to find out that I am not a police officer and they are not getting a DUI or a ticket. BOOM! I just made their night. We also have a good laugh over the fact that my lights are indeed strobe lights and looking nothing like an officer's lights.

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