Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chickitty Check Yourself

I just recently finished analyzing the movie Crash for a social psychology class (go watch it if you haven't!). The movie deals with racial and social tensions in the US and it really gets you thinking about all the stereotypes that we form and the prejudicial attitudes that most of us have developed towards certain groups of people. Anyways, I am reading this book (for a second time) called "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" (go read it if you haven't!). It is very well written and the author has an intelligent, sarcastic type of humor that I find very amusing. Here is a little excerpt:

"Even after a year, I still had an extremely difficult time doing certain things, like taking showers, for some reason, and getting into elevators, obviously. There was a lot of stuff that made me panicky, like suspension bridges, germs, airplanes, fireworks, Arab people on the subway (even though I'm not racist), Arab people in restaurants and coffee shops and other public places, scaffolding, sewers and subway grates, bags without owners, shoes, people with mustaches, smoke, knots, tall buildings, turbans."

I feel that a lot of people think this way, and I am guilty of it as well. We say that we are not racist or do not stereotype, but the reality is WE DO! The first step is recognizing it in your thought process and doing your best to get rid of these generalizations that you, or someone else, have put there. So start recognizing your attitudes and thoughts in certain situations....Not all Asians are excellent at math, and not all Asians are Chinese. Not all Spanish people are Mexican, and not all Mexicans are illegal immigrants. Not all people from the Middle East are Muslim or "Arab", and not all of them wear turbans. There are as many moody and sensitive men out there as there are women. Trust me. I dated one of those men. Not all southerners are rednecks and not all northeasterners are liberals. Hopefully you get my point.

If you approach a stranger with a pre-conceived negative judgment, you will probably treat them in a manner that forces them to behave in a way that reconfirms your stereotype (does that make sense?). So stop making over-generalizations and learn to look at people with an open slate...I promise you won't be disappointed.

Well, that is all for my serious post.

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